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Thank you for visiting the California Vaquero Horse Association. This website was created to embrace the unique and rare horse that helped shape California, The California Vaquero Horse. This rare breed has all the characteristics and personality traits held in high regard by the Spaniards of California. Such as, extreme agility, high intelligence and a lot of Spanish brio!

The CVHA is working with the Equus Survival Trust in establishing the California horse breed. After about six months of hard work, the EST has listed the California horse on their study list of breeds. 

Featured horse:

Legado de Diego de España Antigua is the newest addition to Rancho de España Antigua! He follows the Señor Diego tail line and was born on 4/7/18.


  • The Equus Survival Trust has listed the California Vaquero Horse in their study breed list!

  • Why are not all Sulphurs accepted into the CVHA? What type is accepted?

  • FAQ update: Who does the CVHA work with to preserve the CVH? Are they Colonial Spanish horses?

  • 2017 Sulphur HMA gather: We have selected some horses we believe to be CVH based on their conformation from BLM photos. We encourage whoever adopted these horses to contact us.

Upcoming horse shows

2010-2018.  The California Vaquero Horse Association

  • Wix Facebook page
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